Why L-ascorbic Acid is the Best Form of Topical Vitamin C

Vitamin C is critically important for your health, and it comes with a host of benefits. It helps absorb iron, aids in repairing wounds and healing infections, assists in creating certain hormones, plays a very important role in creating collagen, reduces free radicals, and so much more. If you want your body to function properly, vitamin C is vital.
Its benefits aren’t only internal, however. vitamin C, otherwise known as ascorbic acid, plays a crucial role in the health of your skin. When you take vitamin C supplements or consume it with food or drinks, there’s no way to control how much of it makes it to your skin. That isn’t to say you won’t get any of the benefits or see them reflected in your complexion, but there are a lot of places for the vitamin C to go and a lot of things to do. Your skin isn’t the priority.
Topical serums change that, and L-ascorbic acid is the most potent and beneficial form of vitamin C for your skin.
What is L-ascorbic Acid?
L-ascorbic acid is the most biologically “active” form of vitamin C and is highly studied. “Ascorbic acid” is just another term for vitamin C, and the “L” relates to how the ascorbic acid rotates when exposed to light.
It’s found in the body, but won’t be absorbed well if the L-ascorbic acid is in its natural state. Adjusting the pH level fixes all of that. Once the L-ascorbic acid stabilizes and the acidity decreases, it is the perfect additive for serums, creams, and other topical vitamin C applications.
What are the Benefits of L-ascorbic acid?
Vitamin C is chock-full of health benefits, but what can topical treatments made with L-ascorbic acid do for your skin? Regardless of how much vitamin C you get in your diet, either from food and drink or an oral supplement, your skin isn’t the priority when it comes to distributing it. Applying topical vitamin C ensures that your skin gets the supply it needs for you to see a difference. L-ascorbic acid does some amazing things:
- Free Radicals - Free radicals form when your body gets exposed to UV light, usually from overexposure to the sun. Free radicals can inhibit collagen production and cause cell damage, reduced elasticity, new wrinkles, and unwanted pigmentation on your skin. L-ascorbic acid reduces or neutralizes free radicals when used beneath sunscreen.
- Collagen - Applying L-ascorbic acid sends signals through your cells that collagen production needs to increase. It plays a role in stabilizing and stopping the degradation of existing collagen, too. Its effect on collagen creates a powerful anti-aging effect on your skin.
- Acne Scars - As an added benefit of increased collagen production, L-ascorbic acid diminishes the appearance of acne scars and aids in replacing those old wounds with new, healthy skin.
- Hyperpigmentation - L-ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant and breaks down hyperpigmentation on your face. Serums and other topical applications reduce age spots, sun spots, excess melanin, and other types of hyperpigmentation.
Final Thoughts
While vitamin C is incredibly beneficial for your entire body, it’s uniquely helpful for your skin. Reaping those benefits requires effort, though. Your skin is one of the last recipients of vitamin C from your diet, and serums, creams, and powders are essential tools for delivery. Topical products made with L-ascorbic acid deliver those benefits more effectively and efficiently than any other type of vitamin C, so you can show your skin some love and care.