What Are Flower Essences?

For centuries, flowers have been used for their healing qualities. Wildflowers have anti-inflammatory, natural pain relieving, and antioxidant properties within them. The discovery of such healing powers dates to the 12thcentury, with composer and visionary Hildegard of Bingen. This still left many skeptical and wondering what are flower essences? In response, she wrote books explaining various remedies derived from flowers for physical wounds and emotional depression.
The recognition that physical ailments are emotionally and mentally connected to the human body led Dr. Edward Bach to begin seeking methods of healing from the blossoms of plants in the 1930s. He developed dozens of remedies from flowers that helped fight off common ailments in the human body.
In this discovery, he needed to find a way to cultivate and create medicine from blossoms, so naturally, he experimented with plants and flowers. He would harvest wildflowers and put them in natural spring water before exposing the concoction to light and boiling it. Soon after, he would filter the mixture and add alcoholic preservatives. And so, the more popularized flower essences were born.
Today, the method of retrieving flower essences has been fortified and thoroughly researched. Simply put, flower essences are unscented liquid extractions from fresh wildflower blossoms. They contain the energetic vibrations and life force from the flower which aid with mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Unlike other herbal extracts, flower essences contain no physical part of the flower, no strong taste, and no scent, only its essence and vibrational imprint.
Explaining Essence
A flower’s “essence” can be explained best by Japanese scientist Dr. Emoto, who researched how water is shaped by thoughts and emotions. Water that is exposed to compassionate interaction results in molecular formations that are smooth and pleasing. He demonstrated how even toxic water can be restored when it’s exposed to pleasant environments, words, and interactions.
These molecular formations were created from the vibrational frequencies of the water’s surroundings, like how a flower’s vibrational energy will match that of its surroundings in nature. Vibrations are everywhere and found in everything. The smallest vibrational energies are found on a nanoscopic scale (particles that are one billionth of a meter) which changes the rate of rhythmic speed depending on conditions around the molecules.
In the human body, fearful thoughts result in the release of stressful hormones, which cause speedy and sporadic vibrations and unpleasant responsive stimulations. In the same way, peaceful thoughts release endorphins which have a calming effect on our cells’ vibrations. This is why it’s so important to harvest wildflowers found in nature or grown in loving environments instead of flowers that are bought when creating flower essences. A wildflower is more likely to contain vibrational frequencies equivalent to that of a human being out in nature, sitting in the grass, stargazing, feeling the cool breeze, and never having heard a single bad word or feeling a single negative emotion.
Dr. Emoto determined that polluted water could be altered and optimized by clean water exposed to positive intentions. In the same way, an ailed human body (which is 60% water) can be revitalized by water saturated with the positive vibrations of a flower.
Everything carries rhythmic energy with a vibrational pattern characterized by an emotion. The pretense that physical illnesses can be first caused by subtle human energy is what brought flower essences into the conversation of healing medicines in the first place.
Flower essences change gears from suppressive biochemical stimulants and provide natural energy that can help encourage the human body to ease itself back into a state of homeostasis. If you’re suffering from a sudden emotional or physical imbalance, consider looking for a flower essence that can help create reverberating harmony within your body.